Moebius Syndrome Awareness…

Trying to catch up on all my favorite blogs… I came across IamtheDiva’s 300th zentangle challenge post.  Her son, “Artoo”, has Moebius Syndrome.  For the last 6 years she celebrates Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day on her blog.

I was in my own world when this challenge happened and I missed the party.  But after reading the post and having her talk about how zentangle has been the thing that has helped her deal with the ups and downs of having a child with a disorder, it really resonated with me.  I’ve been going through some stuff lately (the challenges of perimenopause, and helping my ailing pup have good quality of life)… zentangle is something I crave, something I need to help me cope.  So even though the challenge has already passed and they are on a new week, I wanted to create a zentangle with the Moebius Syndrome Foundation’s logo…


I drew the moebius ribbon then I decided to spell MOEBIUS in patterns (using to find patterns that I liked), I’m also playing around with shading using only ink (hatching, cross-hatching, and stipple)…

Patterns Used:

  • Marasu
  • Onion drops
  • Embellish
  • B-twixt
  • Ixorus
  • Umble
  • Sanibelle

Until next time…

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