Another Creative Learning Week (June 1-6)…

Hey guys! It was another creative learning week for me. On Saturday, I attended a live gesture drawing class on discord, then on Tuesday, I attended a live on-line class where I learned how to add texture to a drawing (the drawing was provided by the instructor). Last night, I took a quick on-line course on beginning lettering in preparation for a live on-line class on lettering flourishing.

I also took an on-line course on illustrating fantastical characters, where I learned about mind-maps, thumbnails, and mood/reference boards. Some of the information I knew, but needed the refresher, and some stuff was new. I’m also incorporating stuff I’ve been learning from other courses. I started my own planing out of a drawing after I came across a random prompt maker that got my mind thinking of cute ideas, “sick tree” was the prompt I decided to try. I thought it would be cute to have the woodland animals bring the sick tree all the things you’d bring a sick friend, like tissues, soup, a blanket, flowers, a card, etc. I’m still in the planning phase, I hope to start sketching soon.

I’m enjoying learning all the new ideas and being around such creative people. I’d better get back to my sick tree illustration, once again I fear I may have been too ambitious with this one, but trying is the only way you learn… so off I go.

Until next time…


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