Texture Brushes, Mixed Media, Frogs and a WIP…

Hey guys! I know it’s been awhile since my last post, but I’ve been filling up my art cup.

I’ve also signed up for a subscription to a new art club (Creative Club) that has live & interactive classes, so I’m really excited about that. My schedule got a bit turned around during Birbuary, seeing as how the Owls are nocturnal and I was trying to capture them around sunset and then processing my data once I got home and was still high on the excitement of what I was able to capture… now I’m turning my schedule back around to attend these live classes at 7am and in some cases even earlier. I’m mostly a morning person, so this will be really cool.

Anyway… I’ve been working on a few pieces that were follow along with some classes, and I’ve started my own drawing as well. Let’s get to the show and tell, shall we?


So while I was researching the new group that I joined, I purchased some textured brushes from Lisa Glanz, and watched a tutorial that talked about how to use them. The tutorial came with the sketch, and I followed along and had a great time… here’s my version of following the tutorial…

I have a live/interactive group coaching class tomorrow with Lisa Glanz, I’m really excited to see what all the community will asked her.


I purchased a couple of the textured brush packs from Lisa Glanz and started my own drawing. The prompt was Bee, and I had the idea to kinda do a textured loose drawing, that also kinda used some of my zentangle skills… I have a long way to go on this, but thought I’d share the work in progress (WIP)…

Mixed Media

Today we (Creative Club) had our first live/interactive class with Nathan Brown. We were given the sketch of the hummingbird, a color palette, and some mixed media digital brushes… here’s my version of following along in class.


And finally, my husband and I have been seeing these holes in the dirt on our walks… I was afraid they were snake holes, so I’ve been staying away from them… but my husband was a bit braver and realize they were holes housing the tiniest little frogs!

I also took a little video of the frogs, and then slowed it down in post… those little ones are fast!

I’d better get back to it…

Until next time…


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